Monday, October 26, 2015

Farmer Market

 We all know that a good relationship between supplier and purchaser is very important, and for Chefs and restaurant owners is not different. An approach to your supplier, in this case the farmers, is the best way to understand how your ingredients are raised and treated before get in to your walk in fridge. 
    Knowing of that importance, George Brown College, gave the opportunity to students of Culinary to a trip to a farm called Whole Circle Farm, an organic farm, located about one hour and half of Toronto. Johann the owner started the farm in 2002 and choose organic food not just for its health benefits but also as a form of protest agains all the big companies that control the food industry, where all those companies carrier about is how much long those foods are going to last. 

  The farm produces many tips of vegetables from spring to fall, and everything is treat in a craft way from the  plantation to the harvest of the products. It was the first time that I tried an organic sherry tomato and strawberry, an unforgettable moment where I could taste the natural sweetness of both ingredients, totally different from the ones we find easily in the regulars grocery stores. 

  The products of the farm are sold in their own store right there in the farm, but it also can be found here in Toronto at the The Stop's Farmer's Market located on Lansdowne and Davenport  every Saturday from 8:00 am to 12:30pm.
  The experience visiting the farm and how the organic food are produced was amazing. Vegetables by themselves are already tasteful, but the way the have been produced now a days make it the aliments lose all of the natural good flavour. Also see with my own eyes  the love that  people working in that farm have for that products make me trust even more in the products that are sold there, and also keep same felling in the food that I'll cook.