Sunday, December 13, 2015

Food Processor

   Have you ever thought how many different ways a food processor can be used? Yes there are many! And that is the reason that I decided to right about the great technology that have been making life of chefs easier for about 40 years and can be found in commercial or home kitchens. 
   In the late 1960's a French catering company salesman called Pierre Verdan created the first food processor. Observing the time that his clients use to spend in the kitchen chopping, shredding and mixing, Verdan thought that could have a easier and fast way to do all of those types of jobs; a bowl with a revolve blade in the base. The product was evolved by Robot Coup, the company that to manufactured  the first food processor, a brand that still a world leader on food equipment. The product arrived in domestic kitchens only in 1972 and was brought to UK in 1974.
   Since then, food processor has become important tools in commercial and domestic kitchens, it can be used to chopp, puree, mix, emulsify, blend and many other ways. The web page shows 12 magical ways to use a food processor, including; homemade hummus, ice-cream and different sauces. All those tasks can be done in minutes, which is very important for commercial kitchen because everything must be done fast and in large quantities.