Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Spicy Pineapple Pickle

  As learned in class, the main reason to pickle a ingredient is to preserve, but pickle can do more than that, it also change the flavour and texture, and that's why I decided choose to pickle a pineapple.
  According to the web site UrbanFarmonline.com (http://www.urbanfarmonline.com/urban-gardening/backyard-gardening/how-to-pickle-vegetables-and-fruit.aspx) the method used in this recipe is called quick-pickle where the fruit is cooked until tender and a heated pickle liquid, usually made with vinegar and water, is poured over the the fruit. In the recipe bellow http://www.food.com/recipe/spicy-pineapple-pickle-acar-nenas-230719?photo=269372 the pineapple is cooked in the pickled liquid with; sugar, ginger, soy sauce and red chilli pepper (in this case changed for a thai chilli pepper) and than poured into a jar.

First time tasting a relatively spicy pineapple with a sweet and acid taste was really good. The liquid was reduced to a syrup, leaving not enough liquid to pour into the jar, so next time add some water to it would make the pickle better.

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